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- Height Map Generator plugin for Milkshape 3D
- Version: 1.1.7
- ---------------------
- Version History::
- ---------------------
- 1.1.7 (19/10-2003):
- Changed:
- Updated the vertex/triangle limits to comply with Milkshape3D version 1.7.
- 1.1.6 (16/01-2003):
- Added:
- Help button now included in the dialog. Please note that for this to work, you should have
- extracted the .chm helpfile to the same folder as the plugin .dll file.
- Changed:
- Completely re-wrote the generator for random terrain, should now produces much nicer results,
- but the process is also slower. Updated the helpfile.
- 1.1.5 (24/11-2002):
- Added:
- Helpfile in .chm format is now included in the plugin .zip.
- Changed:
- The preview window code has been re-written and should now work for all dimensions.
- A bug concerning saving that sneaked into the last version has been fixed.
- 1.1.4 (23/10-2002):
- Changed:
- Changed some internal code to speed things up.
- Enabled zero-sum kernel for the custom effect.
- 1.1.3 (20/10-2002):
- Fixed:
- This time it should even work :) I missed some memleaks in the last release, thanks to Mete for helping me ( once again :D ).
- 1.1.2:
- Fixed:
- Memory allocation problem in the loading code (thanx mijacs!)
- 1.1.1:
- Added:
- Saving BMPs should now be working correctly.
- Changed:
- Loading files larger than 256x256 no longer results in a crash, the images are instead cut down to 256x256. I plan on
- making it scale the image, but I haven't had much time for this lately, so it'll be in a future version (if people really
- want it).
- Changed:
- The max dimensions for the plugin has been raised to 256x256, but the 89x89 restrictions still apply for use in
- Milkshape.
- 1.1.0:
- Info:
- I've started on the save function, but I decided to release 1.1 without save enabled, because there are still some things
- that need to be looked over. Hope you manage anyway. =)
- Added:
- Custom effect. Click the '...' button to the right and a dialog will pop up to allow you to edit a 3x3 kernel. This
- kernel will be used when you click the Custom effect button (if it is valid). Image processing with kernels is pretty
- cool, do a search if you want some more theory. Have fun, just remember that the sum of all the kernel fields must be
- larger than 0!
- Changed:
- Image loading code now done with FreeImage, so lots of formats are now supported. Thanks Mete!
- Changed:
- Updated almost all parts of the code for greater stability.
- 1.0.0:
- Info:
- One important note is that this plugin supports Height Maps up to 89x89 quads in size, this is the max resolution allowed
- by Milkshape, so there's not much to do about it in this version. I've added and changed a lot since the last release,
- most of it isn't really visible to the user, except for the Load Height Map function. The files supported are 24-bit BMPs
- with legal dimensions, 16-bit or paletted BMPs are not supported yet. I've also added checks to make certain MS doesn't
- crash when you try to generate to large a terrain.
- ---------------------
- Disclaimer:
- ---------------------
- I do not guarantee that this software will function one any certain configuration, and any damage caused by use of this
- software is not my responsibility. Use at your own risk, well, you know the drill :)
- ---------------------
- Thanks:
- ---------------------
- Mete, for the great program, his dedication and helping people out all the time!
- Paul Nettle, for his great memory tracker! ( check out his site @ http://www.fluidstudios.com/publications.html )
- mijacs, for bug hunting assistance
- everyone at the Milkshape forums who tested and gave me input on the plugin.
- ---------------------
- Contact:
- ---------------------
- Mail me at: taharez@gdnmail.net
- -If you have encountered any bugs/strange behaviour that isn't explained in the above text.
- -If you want to give suggestions for the next release (I really appreciate if you take time to share ideas :) )
- -If you want to have a bit of a chat or any other reason you might think of :D
- I hope this plugin can be of use, have fun!
- // Taharez